Does your old Super 8, 8mm, or 16mm film smell like Vinegar?
Don’t let your Super 8, 16mm and 8mm Films deteriorate any further! Let us transfer your Home Movies to High Def Blurays, HD video files or DVD before it’s too late!
Is there a strong pungent vinegar smell coming from your basement or storage shed? If so your home movies (8mm, Super 8, and 16mm film) may be suffering from vinegar syndrome.
Almost all film is made from a cellulose acetate plastic and unfortunately the acetate base of film is vulnerable to chemical deterioration. When the acetate base starts deteriorating it releases a harsh vinegar scent. This is known as vinegar syndrome. Vinegar syndrome can occur when 8mm, Super 8, and 16mm film is improperly stored in hot or humid climates or in damp spaces for long periods of time.
Untreated vinegar syndrome can lead to shrinkage, warping, curling, brittleness, desaturation, loss of detail, and inevitably will render your film nontransferable. Most damaging to your film collection is the acidic vinegar vapors seeping from you film. This can contaminate and infect nearby non-affected film. Thus, we recommend that you get your films digitized (digitalized) as quickly as possible because once your films show signs of vinegar syndrome it significantly shortens the lifespan and quality of your home movies.
Here at AV Workshop we clean your film with an anti-static solvent. Additionally, we check and repair for faulty splices and add new leader where needed. Once your film is cleaned and prepped, we scan you film frame by frame in High Definition 1920 x 1080p. Once your old films have been scanned and are now digital, we can enhance the color, exposure, saturation, and shadow detail (as well as sound) in our post production process. As result, your films will be restored and look as good as they possibly can while your original films will be returned to you cleaned, reconditioned, and in new storage boxes.
Now that your films are digital you don’t have to worry about further deterioration. Furthermore, you can enjoy viewing your home movies on your HDTV through your bluray player. Also we can make you an HD video film (mp4) which will allow you to edit the films or watch on your own computer. Finally, your films will be in a digital form that you can easily share with family and friends for years to come.
Please Note: If you decide to clean your film at home, you should follow certain safety precautions. Wear a mask, rubber gloves, and be in a well ventilated area. Frequent handling or sniffing of severely damaged film can be hazardous to your health. In some instances the acidity or the vapors can cause burns, nasal irritation, dizziness, and light-headed feeling.
So bring in your films and home movies to AV Workshop and back to life!
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Audio Video Workshop is located in Redwood City of the San Francisco Bay Area